Here are the rules.
Find a safe quiet place free of significant others, nosey meme makers, priests, nuns, all things religious and men in general. (If you're a guy just reverse this process to male and tell us about your wallet, tool box, briefcase or metro sexual accessory.)
1. Dump the contents of your handbag in a pile
2. Take a photo of your handbag and the contents
3. Be brave and explain to your fellow bloggers what lurks inside the handbag.
4. Tag others who might want to embarrass themselves
5. Answer these questions:
Describe the contents of your handbag.
What's the most important thing in your handbag?
What's the most embarrassing thing in your handbag?
What's the smallest thing in your handbag?
Is there anything illegal in your handbag?
As I described in Lianne's blog, I don't carry a hand-bag ... unless I am travelling abroad! So here's my "travel bag"!
What's the most important thing in your handbag? Gotta be the plastic (credit cards) and moolah (cash! cash! in various currencies ... Sterling, Greenback, Thai-baht, HKD, and Ringgit even!).
What's the smallest thing in your handbag? Gotta be my trusty thumb-drive!
Second most important ... My berry and Nokia!
What's the most embarrassing thing in your handbag? Hmm ... come on now, who put this in my bag! I know it was a gift from someone ... haha!
My camera ... My daily "ride" is a Canon G9, but I have started giving my Nikon D80 (with the very flexible and excellent quality Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8) a work-out as well! Yes, it fits into my "travel bag", I kid you not!
What's the smallest thing in your handbag? Hmm ... or perhaps it is the golf tees I seem to find in each and every bag and wallet I have, as well as all my shorts pockets! I also seem to collect a lot of golf score-card pencils!
Is there anything illegal in your handbag? Not today!
Who shall I tag?
Cumi and Ciki
Masak Masak
and, The original Chocoholic
Thanks for tagging back!
Fat Boy Recipes
selamat hari raya to you too, my eating out see foo.
weii, lianne oridi tagged me la....will get around to it asap, heh heh....
cheh, wet tissue only wat, wats so embarrasing.
oops, i might have posted a comment under son's name. the earlier comment about being tagged by lianne, that's me, FBB.
I like your answer if there´s anything illegal in your bag! hahahaa good one!
FBB, you talking bad about me ah?
FBB is very naughty!
Lianne - Hmmm, who knows there may be something illegal tomorrow, but the tag is for ... TODAY! :-)
harlo harlo! my husband laughed till he fell of the bed this morn coz he knows that this post has just opened up a crazy can of worms! wait till you see my handbag/s... yup.. i have many many many many.. for the SAME day.. what's more... hahahaha
You see what you started! ;-) Bloody got tagged by FBB ;-)
Yo Nigel, don't be so chicken and shy shy lah ... I know you loved having to share!!!
Cheers :-)
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