Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Legislative elections in Bitung, Manado - Sulawesi, Indonesia

One month before the elections! Here's the scene, hundreds of posters and banners on shop-fronts and vehicles...
Legislative elections for the 128 seats of the Regional Representatives Council and the 560 seats of the People's Representative Council will be held in Indonesia on 9 April 2009.
Over 60 parties registered for the elections, but only 34 originally met the eligibility requirements. However, on August 15, following a successful legal challenge, another four parties were permitted to join the contest, making 38 in total.

The schedule for the elections is laid down in General Election Commission Regulation No. 20/2008. The first phase was finalizing the list of voters. This was completed on 24 October with an announcement from the General Election Commission that a total of 170,022,239 people would be eligible to cast their ballot.
However, the commission said that this number might change as the figures from West Papua province were not yet complete. The figure of 1,609,737 overseas voters in 117 countries may also change due to the difficulties of registering voters.

The election campaign will run from 12 July 2008 to 5 April 2009 followed by a "quiet period" of three days, during which all election posters, banners and other materials must be removed from public places. The legislative will take place on 9 April, with results to be announced one month later. The new members of the Regional Representatives Council and the People's Representative Council will be sworn on 1 October.
One of the candidates for Bitung, Lembeh ;-)

OK ... enough election madness, time to head back to our little island resort. Bastianos!

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