Entrance fee: 12 JD each, or 62 AED (Roughly RM$50).
Timings: 8.30pm - 10pm, Monday / Wednesday / Thursday only
Child-warning: The terrain is rocky, and very much NOT pram/buggy-friendly. If you have an infant travelling with you, do bring along your Ergo or similar baby-harness!
Anyway, here is what awaits at the entrance ... Its located not far from the nice-looking Movenpick hotel on Petra high-street :-)

1,800 candles lights up the pathway through the rocky road and it gets rather dramatic walking through the Siq ... and 30-40 minutes later, you will get to ... The Treasury (Khazneh). Yes, that's the moon hiding in the horizon on these shots!
Lucky I brought my tripod along, you will need a remote-shutter release as well which I forgot to bring along .. DOH! Here are my efforts with my Nikon D80, Tamron 17-50 f/2.8, and Manfrotto 190DB and 496RC2. Alas, I had to shoot in ISO-400, f/2.8 (Not ideal, should have been in f/9 - 11), and 30s exposure on timer-release (Probably could have done with a 5 - 7 minute exposure time on Bulb-mode!).
Anyway, these memories are etched in our minds, especially the haunting Bedouin flute music and warm tea which was served on the breezy cool night!