Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Terengganu .. Funny sights!

Some sights from Terengganu ...
That Satria's EXHAUST is so big, I am not sure if it can move!
Maya Karin (Actress - VJ - Singer) in a tudung ... I have never seen her in this state of dress any where else!
ps. A search on 'tudung' in Wikipedia ...
'''Hijab''' or ħijāb (حجاب) is the Arabic term for "cover" (noun), based on the root حجب meaning "to veil, to cover (verb), to screen, to shelter"
In some Arabic-speaking countries and Western countries, the word hijab primarily refers to women's head and body covering, but in Islamic scholarship, hijab is given the wider meaning of modesty, privacy, and morality.
[1] The word used in the Quran for a headscarf or veil is khimār.

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