Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Breakfast at Kuala Terengganu ... Non halal!

Breakfast upon arrival at Kuala Terengganu ... 6.45am, 22nd June 2007
Food was nothing to rave about, but what suprised me was the existence of a CHINATOWN in K.Terengganu! Breakfast consisted of Kaya Toast, Char-siew Pao, and Loh Mai Kai.


  1. hey, check this blog out.. a lot of nice pictures that make interesting statements.

  2. u do have a very active and interesing blog ! probably u need to reset yr layout ( dashboard ) to activate archives, profile etc.
    Then v r sure yr readership will jump up ! email us if u need assistance

  3. do u have the exact address, i need this as i am going to organise a tour

  4. Hi Fairlady1121,

    Nope! No address, but as you DRIVE into KT (Kuala Terengganu) town, you should see signs for Kampung Cina!

    Good luck and here's a link which may come in useful ...
