Friday, November 05, 2010

Non-halal burgers in Dubai - Barasti, Le Meridien

How chilled out is this ...

And this .... yes, in the heart of Dubai :-)

Dubai Marina to be precise, this is the Le Meridien Mina Seyahi :-)
Tel: +971 4 399 3333

Oooh ... porky stuffs on the menu!

Some dried beef pizza thingy ... OK lar.

My full-to-the-brim 85 AED (RM70) Frenchy Burger! Yes, that's pork bacon ... unheard of in Abu Dhabi, thank goodness for Dubai!

Large portions!


  1. yea, i remember your guestpost babe. Le Meridien has a lot of pork joint hor? great find and the photography looks smashing.. the food so real like the energy of a pork deprived man, went into it! ;D

  2. Hahaa... you remember :-)

    Le Meridien Abu Dhabi does not actually serve pork all year round, only at Oktoberfest.

    However, Le Meridien at Dubai Marina DOES serve it ... Lucky me ;-) to have popped by yesterday!

    Nitez from here in the middle east ...

  3. well its a rm70 burger, dont think u find many that cost that much in KL either..

    it does look HUGE!

  4. HAHAHA...Finally u found some pork over least!

  5. Cheers Angeline. Yes, pork is available in Dubai, about 140km from here in Abu Dhabi!


  6. Joe .... Hmm, wonder how much "hotel burgers" are in KL?

    I only eat ... RAMLEE. RM 3.30 !? ;-)


  7. Yea.. pork in the Mid East..I jz had to chk it out!
