Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Whats a Paintball marker?

Wikipedia, the source of all knowledge!
A paintball marker, also known as a paintball gun, is the central piece of equipment in the sport of paintball. Markers make use of an expanding gas (carbon dioxide or compressed air) to propel paintballs through the barrel.
The paintball community generally prefers to use the term "marker" rather than "gun" in order to mitigate the public perception that paintball markers are weapons, and that paintball is a dangerous sport. The term derives from its original use as a means for forestry personnel and ranchers to mark trees and wandering cattle.

Tippmann Pneumatics is a manufacturer of paintball markers, paintball equipment, and airsoft guns. Tippmann also manufactures pneumatic sewing machines and some industrial products under the name of Tippmann Pneumatics.

The A-5 is a semi-automatic paintball marker. It utilizes a new loading concept called the "Cyclone Feed." This enables the gun to have a high rate of fire without the addition of aftermarket loaders. It uses a larger surface area and a series of rotating arms to move paintballs into the firing chamber of the gun.
The arms come together to make a star shape, holding a total of five balls between its arms. The arms push the paintball completely into the firing chamber, almost eliminating the chance a paintball will be chopped by the front bolt.
The stock Cyclone is rated for a maximum of 15 balls per second. While higher rates of fire are possible, the stock mechanics are not designed to deal with the stresses this will place on them. To achieve higher rates of fire there are several third party cyclone ratchets available. This limitation was addressed during the creation of the X-7.
In addition to the stock semi automatic function, the A-5 can be easily upgraded with either the Response Trigger or an electronic grip frame . The response trigger (rt) uses a small pneumatic piston to create automatic fire and runs off excess blowback gasses.
The E-Grip uses a 9-Volt battery, a microswitch, and a solenoid to trip the sear . The A-5 can often be purchased with these upgrades already installed.
In appearance the A-5 was modeled after the H&K MP5K but can be modified to look like a number of different guns.
It is one of the most upgradeable markers on the market, with many different cosmetic and performance parts. The general paintball community sees this marker as one of the best basic utility markers of the woodsball crowd. However its lower general rate of fire, excess weight, and large profile make it an unpopular choice among serious and tourney paintball players. While this marker is a good starter marker and can be had for a small relative investment, the price of upgrades can quickly outstrip the costs of higher end base marker with identical or superior capabilities.
This is not mine!

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