Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sisters Char Kuay Teow, Lam Heng Cafe in Penang

16th June 2007
One of Malaysia's most famous CKT (Char Kuay Teow) stalls .. Sisters CKT in MacAlister Road, Penang. However, they must have had a slightly off-day, as I didn't find it as good as the first time I visited. Nevertheless, still very good. Be prepared to wait though, they are usually VERY BUSY!

Other specialities in this coffeeshop include Woo Tau Koh (Yam Cake) which is REALLY EXCELLENT, and I love the tangy Mee Jawa too! Try the Lobak too, it's excellent! I was just too stuffed on this visit ... could hardly finish the CKT + Mee Jawa + Woo Tau Koh!

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