Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Redangkalong ... Just chillin'

Redangkalong is located on Pulau Redang, and is operated by the delightful team of A.B, Sharon, Tim and Ah Siang. First day weather that greeted me was TORRENTIAL RAIN ... but that soon stopped, and it was time to DIVE DIVE DIVE!

Always look forward to breakfast, lunch, tea and dinnertime ... especially the BBQ lamb on BBQ nights :-)

SURPRISE! Bumped into Richard when I was there for my 3 day - 2 night trip. Managed to do 2 dives on Friday, and 3 day dives + 1 night dive on Saturday. That photo below is Mike, a divemaster trainee, at the tender age of 17!

Here's Ah Siang and A.B doing the dive briefings, and Richard going out for his Sunday dive ...

It's always worth the 1,000km round-trip journey from KL to Kuantan - Kuala Terengganu - Merang and back to KL!

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